To my Axis Strength Training family—I want you to know how proud I am of you. Proud of you for showing up, for putting in the work, for choosing to push yourself day after day. That’s the most important piece.
This journey is about so much more than physical results. It’s about resilience, discipline, and the mental fortitude you build along the way. You learn who you truly are through the process—through the struggle, the sweat, and the small victories that add up to something great.
You are in the arena, doing the work. That’s what matters. Don’t let the voices from the sidelines—or the couch—get in your head. It’s easy for others to criticize when they’re not the ones stepping up. Sometimes, they do it because they see your effort and it reminds them of their own inaction. Instead of rising with you, they’d rather pull you back.
Don’t fall into that trap. Stay focused. Keep building. Keep learning. Keep growing. You are creating a stronger, better version of yourself every single day.
You are in the arena. A true warrior.
