A common question we hear at Axis Strength Training is: How do I stay disciplined with healthy eating habits? This is an important topic that deserves reflection. Before diving into nutrition specifically, let's consider a broader question: How does one stay disciplined in anything?
What Is Discipline?
To me, discipline means doing what needs to be done—even when you don’t feel like doing it—in order to achieve a goal. It’s a skill that can be developed and strengthened over time, just like a muscle. If you struggle with discipline in one area, you likely struggle with it in other areas as well. But the good news is that, like any muscle, discipline can be trained and built.
How to Build Discipline in Healthy Eating
If you find it difficult to stay disciplined with nutrition, I recommend approaching it the same way you would a fitness routine: start small, master the basics, stay consistent, and improve over time. Instead of overhauling your diet overnight with unrealistic expectations—like cutting out all processed foods, eliminating sugar, avoiding alcohol, and hitting perfect macros—break your goals into smaller, manageable steps.
At Axis Strength Training, we use a habit-stacking approach. We begin with a simple goal, such as drinking a minimum of 64 ounces of water daily. Once that habit is firmly in place, we add another small change, then another, gradually building sustainable, healthy habits. By starting small, you create early wins, gain momentum, and increase your likelihood of long-term success.
The Role of Accountability
Another key to maintaining discipline is accountability. If you struggle to hold yourself accountable, seek out trusted friends who will keep you on track. They should be people who will tell you the truth, even when it’s not what you want to hear.
If you don’t have someone in your life to fill that role, consider hiring a coach. I’ve personally hired coaches for this exact reason—they hold me accountable for the things I know I should do but might not follow through on without external pressure. Hiring a coach works because:
1. You have financial investment (skin in the game). When people pay for something, they’re more likely to take it seriously.
2. You benefit from expert guidance. A coach provides direction, helps you avoid common pitfalls, and ensures you stay on the right path.
Early in my coaching career, I learned that when I offered massive discounts or free sessions, people were less committed. But when clients invested more, they showed up consistently and got better results. Commitment follows investment.

Three Key Takeaways for Staying Disciplined with Nutrition
1. Start small. Create an early win and build from there.
2. Seek accountability. If you have trusted friends who will hold you to your commitments, lean on them.
3. Hire a coach. A professional can provide structure, accountability, and expert guidance.
By implementing these strategies, you’ll develop the discipline needed to stay consistent with your nutrition and, ultimately, achieve your health and fitness goals.
I hope this helps—now go take action and make those goals a reality!